The legislature makes laws; the executive enforces laws while the judiciary adjudicates cases or disputes. Aristotle laid down a general principle that the population of a state should be large enough to make it sufficient and small enough to make good government possible. Ships of the State are its floating parts and Aero-planes are its flying parts. A widely used definition from the German sociologist Max Weber is that a "state" is a polity that maintains a monopoly on the legitimate use of violence, although other definitions are not uncommon.. The territory of the state can also include some islands located in the sea. Copyright. However, the truth is that a small state is at a disadvantage in its relations with larger ones. Disclaimer 9. The society needs the state for security, peace, order stability and protection against external aggressions and wars. State definition, the condition of a person or thing, as with respect to circumstances or attributes: a state of health. Government, 4. Population is essential for the state. At times, selfishness of some persons can cause some difficulties and harms to others. It is directly responsible to the people. The elements of state power are economic power, military power, geographical power, the power of alliance and internal political power. Sovereignty belongs to the State; the government only uses it on behalf of the State. Plagiarism Prevention 4. On the other hand, there are giant states like the Russian Republic, China, U. S. A., and Australia with millions of square miles. Small states are under the influence of one or the other large and powerful state. 12 hours ago Delete Reply Block. A PERMANENT POPULATION A state is an organization of human beings living together a… Further, his physical and economic necessities always force him to form economic trade and cultural relations. First, the act or omission must constitute a breach of an international obligation, or, as the articles put it, must be “not in conformity with what is required” by the international obligation [3]. Disclaimer Whatever may be the form of government, one thing is clear – there can be no state without government. Thus there should be a happy balance between the size of the population and material wealth of a state. For this purpose the state maintains police. It is the characteristic which distinguishes the state from all other associations. Many developing countries including India have democratic governments. Otherwise, they stay in the ground state. Key Terms. This implies that the obligation in question must be binding on the State … The state works for the elimination of terrorism and violence. Comment goes here. A number of writers who have attacked the concept of absolute sovereignty on theoretical grounds also hold that it is undesirable. It is the people who make the State, without them there can be none. India is free to sign or not to sign any treaty with any other state. This sometimes creates the impression that there is no difference between the State and Government. A state, to declare itself sovereign, must be internally supreme and free from any external control. Elements go from the ground state to the excited state if some form of energy is supplied. 2. Further, Government can be of any form—Monarchy or Aristocracy or Dictatorship or Democracy. For example Anadaman & Nicobar and Daman and Diu are parts of India. Sovereignty permanently, exclusively and absolutely belongs to the State. But population must be large enough to make a State and sustain it. The state serves this need, by protecting s the society from internal and external dangers. Independence of Judiciary is also a settled rule. Man is a social animal. A state needs to abide by international laws. Out of these four elements, Sovereignty stands accepted as the most important and exclusive element of the State. They enjoy rights and freedom as citizens as well as perform several duties towards the State. Yet these are not really states. Some other factors in this regard are geographical location, resources and climate. In the same vein, the United Nations (UN) is not a state as it is not sovereign. Population: The primary requirement for the existence of the State is population. Communist China was not recognised by the US for cold war. It satisfies several important needs of society: (1) State provides security against external aggressions and war. According to Plato, an ideal state should have a population of 5040. With the same vagueness and ambiguity as a man in the street uses it. (6) State grants citizenship and protects their interests and rights. By far the most important characteristic of the state is its sovereignty. The next element is the people who live within the state. Each state has the sovereign power to formulate and act on the basis of its independent foreign policy. States like Russia, Canada, U.S.A., India, China, Brazil and some others are large sized states whereas Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Maldivies, Switzerland, Togo, Brundi and many others are States with small territories. 3. In this Tutorial, we shall study - The Meaning of State;The Definition of State; &The Elements of State - Population, Territory, Government & Sovereignty. When citizens of another State are living in the territory of the State, they are called aliens. According to famous jurist, Oppenheim, “A state is and becomes an international person by recognition only and exclusively. According to Garner, government is the agency through which “common policies are determined and by which common affairs are regulated.” The state wills and acts through the government. Seeing chemical elements arranged in the modern periodic table is as familiar as seeing a map of the world, but it was not always so obvious. (4) The state issues and regulates currency and coinage. In modern times, Rousseau, prompted by considerations of direct democracy, fixed the number at 10,000. Content Guidelines syedmurtaza32. Government is an essential element of State. State: Elements and Necessity of the State! Although he did not specially mention the word element we do it for the sake of clarity of discussion. Article 3. It can compel obedience of its people to its laws and commands. Definite territory is its essential component. Definitions : The state is the most universal and most powerful of all social institutions. That is why sovereignty is accepted as the exclusive property and hallmark of the State. He is by nature a gregarious animal. For this purpose the state maintains an army. These definitions draw attention to the fact that the state has four essential elements. Territory - includes the land, the rivers, the sea, and the air space which the jurisdiction of the sate extends. While living in society, man needs protection for his life and property. State has the exclusive title and prerogative to exercise supreme power over all its people and territory. This is a list of the 118 chemical elements which have been identified as of 2021. The relationship between the Legislature and Executive is defined by law and it corresponds to the adopted form of government. Sovereign rulers. It is a human political institution. Each of these three organs of the government carries out its assigned functions. Without a population there can be no State. The State exercises supreme authority over them through its government. It can be Unitary or Federal or of mixture of these two in its organisation and working. His nature impels him and necessities compel him to live in society and enter into social relations with others. In modern times relations among nations have grown and many international organisations and institutions have come into being. Three elements are essential to build the state on perfect lines i.e., fellowship, practical organization and justice. The area the state covers is the first element. A State comes to be a state only when it has all these elements. Government is the third essential element of the State. 966 words short essay on meaning and features of a State. four essential elements. The state is a natural institution. Government . State is a territorial unit. Sovereignty 1. The State can punish them for every violation of any of its laws. In contemporary times every civilized State has a democratic representative, responsible transparent and accountable government. There is no definite limit for the size of population essential for a State. (3) Judiciary—which applies the laws to specific cases and settles the disputes i.e. End of sovereignty means end of the State. (2) State ensures security against internal disturbances disorders and crimes. The state exercises its sovereign power through its government. Social relations continuously need peace, security and order. State alone posses sovereignty. In modern times, the citizens are bound together by residence on a common territory. Content Guidelines 2. In ancient times, the King used to perform all functions of the government and all powers of governance stood centralized in his hands. 3. This includes the land, bodies of water, atmosphere and natural resources. However, a large population can be a liability if the resources of the state are not adequate for its maintenance. It is only a regional association of sovereign states of South Asia. So population is its primary element. Monitoring Program Strategy. The modern tendency is in favour of large states. In the Presidential form, as is in operation in the U.S.A., the legislature and executive are two independent and separate organs with stable and fixed tenures, and the executive is not responsible to legislature. It is said in favour of large states that they are strong in defense and because of availability of resources they are economically self-sufficient. All these institutions always act in accordance with the laws of the State. According to international law, all states are equal in status and right, no matter how unequal they are in population and area. Government - the agency through which the will of … Even a States can lease out its territory to another State e.g. Government is the political organization of the state. Aristotle said man is a social animal and by nature he is a political being. A people occupying a definite territory cannot form a state unless they are politically organized i.e., unless they possess a government. However along-with it some selfishness is also a part of his being. (7) State conducts foreign relations, foreign trade and economic relations. The creator of the periodic table, Dmitri Mendeleev , in 1869 began collecting and sorting known properties of elements, like … He gets involved in a system of relations. Otherwise there will be international anarchy causing serious threats to international peace and security. But how many people should constitute the […] Elements of State 1. Population: State is a community of persons. STP Occurrence Description 1 Hydrogen H 1 1 s Gas Primordial Non-metal 2 Helium He 18 1 s Gas Primordial Noble gas 3 Lithium Li 1 2 s Solid No state can force it to do so. India has given on lease the Teen Bigha corridor to Bangladesh. It means the power of the State to order and regulate the activities of all the people, groups and institutions which are at work within its territory. UNO is not a state and so is the case of the Commonwealth of Nations, because these do not possess sovereignty. The Elements of the state Or more important are the population, territory, government and sovereignty. Communist China took its legitimate place in the UN in 1970’s only after the establishment of rapprochement between the US and communist china. Population: What are the four most essential attributes of a State? Elements of State: A State stands identified with its four absolutely essential elements: 1. We want to encourage as broad a group of people as possible to learn what AI is, what can (and can’t) be done with AI, and how to start creating AI methods. In modern times states vary greatly from the few thousands of Monaco or of San Marino to the crores of China or of India. Following the Montevideo Convention on Rights and Duties of states which was a treaty signed at Montevideo, Uruguay, on December 26th, 1933. It is essentially a territorial State. It should be determined on the basis of the size of the territory of the State, the available resources, the standard of living expected and needs of defence, production of goods and supplies. THE ELEMENTS OF STATE Prof. Elliott “territorial sovereignty or the Superiority of state overall within its boundaries and complete freedom from external control has been a fundamental principle of the modern state life”. State is the sovereign political institution of each society. Without a government there would be lawlessness and anarchy and ultimately the state would be dissolved. It is claimed that small states are good for efficient administration and inculcating among the people a sense of unity and love for the state. Population, 2. The word State is often confused with government. Internally viewed, the state has supreme power over all individuals and associations within its fixed area. Economic state power can be derived from a state's ability to mobilize industrially, or the natural resources that the state has at its disposal. Elements of State: Weber in his Economy and Society and also in other works pointed out certain elements of state. It means complete independence of the State from external control. State voluntarily accepts rules of international law. He inherits several relations and throughout his life remains bound up with these. km. 1. 3. What are the essential elements of a State? 5. People. Are you sure you want to Yes No. State is needed for getting protection and security against external aggressions, wars and internal disturbances and disorders. The m… In a Parliamentary form of government, like the one which is working in India and Britain, the legislature and executive are closely related and the latter is collectively responsible before the former. Man is a social being. We can define external sovereignty of the State as its sovereign equality with every other state. Territory . Sikkim was a state before it joined India in 1975. 4. Before independence India was not a state as it was ruled by the British. India has a very large and fast growing population and there is every need to check population growth. Recognition has also a political dimension. When man lives in the company of others, he naturally develops social relations with other human beings. It can be either Parliamentary or Presidential or both. As the supreme power of the State, Sovereignty has two dimensions: Internal Sovereignty and External Sovereignty. Published in: Spiritual. We have tiny states like San Marino with an area of less than twenty-five square miles. People - the population living in a state. A State cannot exist in the air or at sea. By providing security law and order, the state helps the people to carry out their economic relations and activities. The state is the most universal and most powerful of all social institutions. Sovereignty belongs to India. The presence of all these four elements alone vests a State with real statehood. Government must be effective; it must possess the capacity to maintain order and enforce obedience. There is no hard and fast rule about population. Image Guidelines 5. These definitions draw attention to the fact that the state has four essential elements. It should be noted, however, that absolute sovereignty is a legal concept. A State stands identified with its four absolutely essential elements: State is a community of persons. It must be remembered that both of them were thinking in terms of small city-states. See more. Sovereignty is the most exclusive element of State. These are integral parts of the Indian State. 2. 4. The starting point of the articles is that “every internationally wrongful act of a State entails the international responsibility of that State” [2] . It has to be within a reasonable limit. However it must be clearly noted that government is just one element of the State. Preserving Your Articles for Eternity. The people within a state are bound by the laws. List of elements Atomic Number Name Symbol Group Period Number Block State at. Government is the organisation or machinery or agency or magistracy of the State which makes, implements, enforces and adjudicates the laws of the state. It is a human political institution. The recognition of the sovereign status of a new state by other states is called international recognition. TOS The people are all the people in the territory of a country and obey the rules of the country. No other organisation or institution can claim sovereignty. Similarly, the Indian federation consists of many constituent units called ‘states’, but they are really not states in the eyes of international law, as they are not sovereign. Permanent region. European Union: A supranational organization created in the 1950s to bring the nations of Europe into closer economic and political connection. State maintains defence forces for fighting external wars and meeting aggressions. Territory (Physical basis of the State), 3. State exercises sovereignty over all parts of its territory. The State, being a human institution, cannot be conceived of without people. (8) State secures the goals of national interest in international relations. 4 elements of state The state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: (a) a permanent population (people); (b) a defined territory; (c) government (political authority); and (d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states (diplomat recognition or … So communist China, though ruling the mainland China, was not allowed to become the member of the UN due to America’s opposition. Sovereignty: An element of the State Sovereignty is the supreme power by which the State commands and exerts political obedience from its people. is an online article publishing site that helps you to submit your knowledge so that it may be preserved for eternity. India has an area of 32,87,263 sq. A state respects and abides by international laws, treaties and the policies of the international organizations like the UN and its agencies. The act or omission of a State will qualify as an “internationally wrongful act” if two conditions are met. These are also loosely called states. A. It may be pointed out that the power and security of a state are not determined only by the size of its territory. It denotes the supreme power or the final authority from which there is no appeal. This is prevented by the state. Laski has rightly argued that unlimited sovereignty is a threat to world peace and humanity. India, China, U.S.A., U.K., France, Germany, Japan, Australia, Egypt, South Africa, Brazil, Argentina and others such countries are States because each of these possesses all the four essential elements of state. In actual practice no state is able to exercise unlimited power either over individuals and associations within its territorial domain or in its international relations. 6 Comments 41 Likes Statistics Notes Full Name. Our mission is to liberate knowledge. This is provided by the state. A definite and more or less permanent territory is also regarded as an essential element of the state. To him, to live in the state and to be a man were indentical. The state is a natural institution. In fact, Sovereignty is the basis on which the State regulates all aspects of the life of the people living in its territory. Aristotle said man is a social animal and by nature he is a political being. These are the four essential elements of a State. After her independence, India got the power to exercise both internal and external Sovereignty. Privacy Policy 8. No State can really become a State without sovereignty. A state is a polity under a system of governance.Currently, there is no undisputed definition of a state among scientists or researchers. (3) State legally grants and guarantees the rights of the people. (1) Legislature—which formulates the will of State i.e. The first two elements constitute the physical or material basis of the state while the last two form its political and spiritual basis. Authority over them through its government example, regards it as incompatible with the of... Lease the Teen Bigha corridor to Bangladesh small state is its sovereignty an online article publishing site helps! Elements are essential to build the state ), 3 territory to another state e.g this regard are location. A… state power are economic power, geographical power, military power, military,! 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