will already be fulfilled. This would seem to indicate that we will not only know our friends and family, we will "fully know" them. You'll basically be living forever, not striving towards anything, you'll have no dreams because you already fulfilled them in life. God’s infinite power and creativity means that He can keep us infinitely interested in Him. We are dealing with a different dimension of space and time when we talk about the after life. In other words, there is no need for secrets in heaven. 4) Mostad’afeen (as mentioned in Surah 4, Ayah 98) they are those who were not exposed to the truth of Islam to believe in it, yet they were honest and modest in their life. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Don't worry about HOW, just worry about what you have to do now to get there. In Heaven we will be in God’s presence forever—and just as He is infinite, so the experiences He gives us will be infinite. Heaven is a spiritual place, in the presence of the Almighty God, Creator of the universe and everything in it. Hey what happens if you get bored in heaven Because I really really do not what to get bored on their is it possible because in eternity wouldn't something bored happen. When Jesus returns to the earth to establish His kingdom all the saints, the living and the resurrected, will reside on the earth with Him for one thousand years At the end of Jesus’ one thousand year reign God will destroy this earth and create a new one. Our thoughts are purified. One of the losses of sin is our sense of wonder. Question / Help. We just have to wait and see... insha allah. Eternal life forever? Like the example of a fruit, everytime you try it, it's tastier than it was the last time. I've barely discovered 1% of the planet yet there is still so much more I want to do. 10) Get Bored Ps 16:11 — In your presence is fullness of joy; in your right hand there are pleasures forever. As you said if you get some thing fun in this life, you enjoy it a little and then get bored of it. We cannot fully imagine this completely. I used to get nightmares because of thinking like this. Mmm. The presents get put under the tree late Christmas eve night, then everyone else sees them in the morning 2. But far better is the house in the hereafter for those who are Al-Muttaqun (the pious). What do you do next? Dude, there's always something new and interesting to discover here on earth. We will get to interact with people from all times in history and hear their fascinating stories, and we’ll even get to personally know those we’ve read about in the Bible. While Jannah in the Quran is often translated as "Heaven" in the sense of an abode where believers are rewarded in afterlife, سماء samāʾ (usually pl. samāwāt) is the word for heaven in the sense of space or celestial sphere, [better source needed] as "seven heavens" [better source needed] (2:29, 78:12). So lets say hypothetically that you want to send this blind person to a place where he will be able to see. We don't possess the qualities required to understand what heaven is really like. An abode (a mansion) awaits us. You will always discover new things in heaven and enjoy it. Eternity’s joy is invisible to our current desires. Won't it get boring if we are there forever? It will especially be better than what we deserve for our sin, the wrath of God in hell. But I rarely think about it now. Maybe you can experience food without even tasting. When you had the physiology and mentality of a kid, your desires are towards having fun all day, explore and discover new things, etc. Heaven is supposed to be so divine that it is all-wonderful and completely indescribable. The glorified body will be united with the soul of the deceased. Do you have an affair ? Pop culture has etched into our minds a boring portrait of heaven. Hope I won't get bored in heaven . We will plant and build. A: Heaven is far, far greater than anything we can even begin to imagine — and no, you won't be bored there, and you will never run out of things to do! If we go to heaven, won't things get boring eventually? The Bible says almost nothing about the eternal state. 2 Peter 3:9). Reply. Since we are on the topic of Christmas, I would like to see a debate: which one do you do? We won’t be sitting around on a cloud doing nothing — because God will have work for us to do. And for Haram things, in Jannah, you won't ask for something which is illogical. Hope this helps. They're literally dying to get in bed with those virgins. Pau soler del azar Guest. The presents get put under the tree as they are recieved from relatives, Amazon, etc. What will we have there, IF we get there is of secondary importance. In heaven we probably won't fail to recognize an acquaintance in a crowd or forget people's names. The Bible provides no specifics about what this service and rule will look like. To a toddler a month sounds like an eternity, but to some a year is not too long at all. The spirit world (heaven) is populated by spirits, not people. Only in heaven will we be able to fully appreciate them the pleasures at God’s right hand. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. “…Are you pleased with the life of this world (dunya) rather than the hereafter (Aakhira)? If He says we'll be happy and peaceful forever, we shouldn't overthink it and believe what He said. Brother you're confusing happiness with peace. While our earthly existence is inherently teleological and, consequently, subject to the … Heaven will be your playground and you will never get bored. I received this book as part of the launch team in return giving my honest review. But We can never imagine that, again, coz we're blind. May Allah guide us in the right way and do brightest thing to enter Djannah. Your (and mine, and everyone's) main concern, rather the ONLY concern, should be how to get in Jannah. 1. a) 18 b) 21 c) 25 d) 30 Write your answer in the comment box... Learning ISLAM According to my belief, as per Ananda Marga philosophy, human life is extremely rare and precious. The last four verses of Revelation 21 and the first five verses of Revelation 22 are the only verses in all the Bible which tell of the saved one’s actions in eternity. Tell that to the Jihadis. What will we have there, IF we get there is of secondary importance. Will God then destroy souls who don't … we’ve no less days to sing his praise than when we’d first begun,” do you wonder whether or not to be encouraged by such a statement? But little is the enjoyment of the life of this world as compared with the Hereafter” (Quran, Al-Tawbah: 38), “…as compared with the life of the hereafter, the life of this world is nothing but a brief passing enjoyment” (Quran, Ar-Rad: 26), “And the life of this world is nothing but play and amusement. Boredom, impatience, etc, are negative human earthly emotions that will stay behind, so even feeling discontent at being constantly content might be impossible. This would seem to indicate that we will not only know our friends and family, we will "fully know" them. There is a far kingdom On the other side of the glass And by a faint light we see Still there is more gladness Longing for the sight Than to behold or be filled, by anything. The joys of heaven and the blessings of the kingdom do not necessarily describe the Christian’s actions during eternity. But in heaven I won't need faith to say God exists, that will be a statement born of direct knowledge. The argument that we’ll get bored assumes that there is a finite amount of things to experience or learn. What will we be doing in heaven? At that time, our home planet will become heaven. What will we really be doing in heaven? Press J to jump to the feed. Those things which are Godly pleasures are satisfying and ever delightful. Do demons have to possess physical bodies? Surah 98:8: They will be pleased/satisfied with Allah and Allah will be pleased with them. God’s Word says we won’t have to be in His paradise alone. When you were a kid, you wanted to have fun every day. Report abuse. Note the assumption: … Think about it. And if we do, how can Heaven be Heaven? Imagine how much there is that we DONT understand, and so it could not be explained to us. Those who believe in heaven believe that it is so wonderful that nobody can ever get bored. Iblees was said to have prostrated to Allah (swt) for 10,000 years each prostration. I won't need faith to say God fulfilled every promise He made because I will know that for a fact. Time as a concept might disappear entierly. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. This question used to have me overthinking. (25:20) "We did not give them (i.e. Won’t heaven be a drag? We can only imagine what the delights of heaven will be like. Life is sacred, and a gift from God; and it is only God, and not the human beings, who has the right to take it back. Please answer as this is giving me huge existential dread. It will especially be better than what we deserve for our sin, the wrath of God in hell. Freud, who occasionally comes up with nuggets of wisdom sandwiched between mountains of nonsense, says … Allahumma ameen. John 17:3 I guess we will never be satisfied in this life. . He also is omniscient (that is, He is limitless in His knowledge), and no matter what we learn in Heaven, there will always be more to discover. Just like you won't be tired, sleepy, angry, etc. In heaven the joy given to us will be ever fresh and eternally satisfying. 3. We won’t be sitting around on a cloud doing nothing — because God will have work for us to do. will she be with her husband or with the true lover? we need to learn islam deeply without islam we are empty. When I travel, sometimes I got to the same spot I enjoy and watch the sunset multiple days and never get bored of it. I can’t understand nor want to, people who so follow what PEOPLE have said are rules or 25 ways to get to heaven. The creation of the new heaven and new earth will begin eternity. No one can meet God's standard of holiness to get into heaven. Why don't you have married your lover? Once we get past the fact that with God there can be no concept of boredom, Heaven then opens up limitless possibilities. The last chapter of the Bible says that in heaven “his servants will serve him” (Revelation 22:3). In Islam, it says, you would never have a repetition of your meals or clothes, everything you wish would be presented to you (don't go imagining wrong things, you aren't human anymore, wrong thigs don't touch you). Equality in Jannah (Heaven)? But one thing is certain: We will not be bored in Heaven! Now imaging the hereafter, this dunya is nothing compared to hereafter. About Islam The rewards of paradise. This. Why is it that we get bored and irritated from repetitiveness? save. At any time, we could make a mistake and would be rejected from Paradise if it were based on our efforts. The eternal delights are much like color to one who has never seen or sound to one who has never heard. From our perspective in this brief life we cannot understand how we will find pleasure that will remain for eternity. Since we are on the topic of Christmas, I would like to see a debate: which one do you do? hide. Lover? The presents get put under the tree as they are recieved from relatives, Amazon, etc. That's kind of how heaven has been explained to us. Do you want it to end? I used to think of this too, until a friend put it into perspective for me. People sometimes say, "I'd rather be having a good time in hell than be bored in heaven." In Heaven your physiology and mentality will be totally out of this world. And the minimum reward of a person of Jannat has the real estate of 10 earths! Sponsored link. Imagine being with your wife and having a roof and you loved people surrounding you. What color is the smell of perfume? People sometimes say, "I'd rather be having a good time in hell than be bored in heaven." (Psalm 16:11) The joys of God are infinite and never to be exhausted. But in the end, it's the trust in God we put. I mean if some fun in my life lasts more than 2 days I got irriated a lot. 2 photographs (1366 x 1962 mm, 816 x 1040 mm), 2 fabric print-outs 3000 x 3000 mm, 2150 mm x 1200 mm ), 1 towel print-out (1400 mm x 700 mm), 1 painted sculpture (polyester filler, acrylic, 700mm x 1680mm) "State Fire and Rescue Service warns everyone that during a storm it is strictly forbidden to go on piers. 1. At the rapture the body of the Christian will be resurrected and made perfect. Have you ever gotten bored while having fun? Because we can live such a rich life there, so many times richer than here, we probably won't even remember what it was like to be bored. This is how you don't get bored all the time in this world. I mean, you'll be with cool people, yeah,but after a while you'll get used to them being there, and you'll have seen and done everything you wanna do. In each we find the greater the struggle the greater the thrill. In other words, there is no need for secrets in heaven. May Allah grant us heaven. We as humans on earth are actually incapable of imagining what heaven is like. Janna is the Arabic word for "garden." Forever. Have you ever worried that you might grow bored in heaven, that things may lose their luster or taste, that the whole novelty and intrigue of heaven might fade as do most things on earth? Mother. Reply. He will never be able to imagine what those things would look like. In any case I would worry more about whether I will get to Paradise in the first place. Only in terms of things we can understand. Heaven and Jannah. He could reset our consciousness, he could alter the level of pleasure in relation to our senses just to name a couple. It is called the gospel of Jesus Christ. I don’t know exactly, but it’s impossible to ever get bored when Heaven is literally an opportunity to know our infinite Lord, something that by definition can never be fully completed, and must therefore be endlessly fascinating. But heaven won’t be boring — and one reason is because God will have work for us to do. After all, if all we did in heaven was sit around with nothing to do, we’d get very bored. Eternity stretches out before our imagination and leaves us baffled by its magnitude. Reply. In heaven we probably won't fail to recognize an acquaintance in a crowd or forget people's names. TRUST, it will be worth it. Won't we get bored of being alive? Description of Paradise in the Qur'an: Janna (Paradise, Heaven) is called by eight names in the Qur'an: Jannatu al-Khuld, Darul as-Salam, Darul al-Qarar, Jannatu al-`Adn, Jannatu al-Ma`wa, Jannatu an-Na`im, `Illiyin, and Jannatu al-Firdaus. We will complete the very love-works we are meant to do on Earth. Won’t We Get Bored in Heaven? The Bible reveals much about the nature of our memory in Heaven. Now you may think that you want to do Haram things, but in Jannah you won't be wishing for them as it's not possible as our thoughts are purified. And if you enter cennah your husband will be beautiful then you lover. Helpful. This means that 60% of our happiness, we have no control over and it actually tests our belief in God’s Decree, and only 40% to manipulate during this life to earn happiness and Heaven. Revelation 5:13 shares, "And I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, and all that is in them, saying, 'To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever! The last chapter of the Bible says that in heaven “his servants will serve him” (Revelation 22:3). On that new earth will be a wonderful city called the New Jerusalem. Our greatest amusements are found in the struggle for supremacy and survival. Can't wait to see you there Inshallah :). Look at Revelation 21 verse 3: 'I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God'. I've been having this crisis for over a couple weeks now, and this question centers around the afterlife. We will wish for good things, and they will be granted. No matter how hard we try, our works are not enough to earn God's favor. Allah created boredom in us, so it is not a stretch that Allah can remove that boredom completely from us when we are in Paradise. One of the hardest things about trying to imagine eternity is the complete inability of our minds to comprehend the joys awaiting. Click here to submit a question to our pastors. In Islam, Heaven is understood to be a place of everlasting life. Boredom is a state of discontent, of not knowing what to do with oneself. I mean serious, actual nightmares. Note the assumption: sin is exciting and righteousness is boring. You cease to posses your human qualities and are a different person, you do not get bored or tired there, fatigue doesn't touch you. As with many aspects of daily life, you may find differing opinions among Muslims on the topic of tattoos. In other words, don't imagine that life in heaven will be just like life on this earth, only longer — because it won't be. Jesus said, in Matthew 8:11, “Many will come from east and west, and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.” 5. But the Bible also assures us that we won’t be bored in heaven! Hebrews 4 encourages us to come boldly, and we do that in spirit now, but we will do it in reality when we get to heaven around the throne of God. Many people believe that the only thing believers will do in heaven is sing songs of worship to God. joy December 21, 2015. the prophets) bodies not eating food." "For such the reward is forgiveness from their Lord, and Gardens with rivers flowing underneath—an eternal dwelling. 8 comments. zenab December 15, 2015. Think of it: We will have the privilege of serving the God of the universe and doing His will! If we look at the story of Israel in the Old Testament, we each see a parallel to the endless struggle in our own life: obeying God, disobeying God; clinging to God, rejecting God. Anonymous December 18, 2015. (21:8) Of Jesus and his righteous mother, it is stated : "They both used to eat food" (5:7). No one can meet God's standard of holiness to get into heaven. Reading a novel, watching a movie, playing sports, riding a roller coaster. This seems like it would become boring to do for eternity. Eternal Home: Heaven is the everlasting place to live life according to Islam where believers will stay forever in peace and happiness. Islam, as with other Abrahamic religions, views suicide as one of the greatest sins and utterly detrimental to one's spiritual journey. In Jannah, every person will be rewarded on 3 levels: One's all instincts/desires etc. The prophet Isaiah, speaking of the new earth, wrote, “They shall build houses and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit” (Isaiah 65:21). I cannot speak for anyone but myself and I do respect others opinions. There is nothing to hide. But our Lord has more than we can even imagine, may Allah make us among those who enter paradise. Since heaven is eternal in Islam and since we are human beings, then would we not get bored/tired eventually of all the pleasures that heaven has to offer? When the Bible speaks of what happens to believers after death it speaks about their condition in between physical death and eternal life. This is due to our perception of time. AZ Scholar. In Your First Step in Heaven I include a chapter on what happens to our minds in Heaven. The Kafirs won't get bored in this Dunya. When you sing, “When we’ve been there ten thousand years . One verse that get’s me really excited about heaven (specifically the New Heaven or the New Jerusalem) is Revelation 21:4. Nah I won't get bored and I will probably be learning things all the time. The hallmark of sin is it quickly grows wearisome and the sinner must seek more excitement. What is to keep eternal bliss from becoming eternal boredom? God’s Word says we won’t have to be in His paradise alone. Reply. He is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance (ref. Therein shall they abide forever" (2:82). "But those who have faith and work righteousness, they are companions of the garden. Sin is never satisfied or satisfying. The joys of God are infinite and never to be exhausted. will already be fulfilled. Will you not then understand?” (Quran, Al-An’aam: 32). In Jannah, every person will be rewarded on 3 levels: One's all instincts/desires etc. Revelation 21 describes the splendor of that city. 3. but in paradise we will never be bored :). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 8. Everything will get better when you do it again. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known" (I Corinthians 13:12). Married is married. The same is true for us now. What will we do to avoid boredom? What does a C-sharp look like? 162 people found this helpful. Let's say, we get into heaven, and after maybe millions of years later, we have done everything, won't things become a bit boring? No matter how much we achieve or accomplish, we will be over it and bored. you find something else that is fun. '". Our perceptions are very limited. Those are things we understand to be nice in this world. He tells us how we can to get to heaven, how we can go there--and he wants us to make it. but they do have a physical appearance. You can only tell him that he will hear birds and waterfalls, etc. Like what if I get bored please tell me I really hope god wipes away my boredom and makee forget about this old world. Here are five reasons why heaven will never be boring... 1. We'll have new experiences over and over again. Heck, if I'm going to hell, at least I won't get bored. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Some people see happiness as a range of positive emotions, including joy, security, fulfillment, contentment, and gratitude. Just like you won't be tired, sleepy, angry, etc. June 7, 2012 — 2 Comments. For the record I don’t know the exact details of what we will do but I do know it will be better than anything you can imagine. Holy Quran describes the eternal home in these words: “But those who have faith and work righteousness, they are companions of the garden. Read more. You are about to read the most important information that you will ever read. There's an insane amount of mechanisms Allah could employ to keep us excited. Pau soler del azar Guest. FOUR, like I can count that on my fingers, but I can't even imagine it. We cannot fully imagine this completely. time seems to race more quickly when we're actually having a good time, doesn't it? This cycle goes on and on, you will always discover new things and enjoy them a little bit, some times you will miss the old things. How can we endure an eternal never ending fun. Just goes to show mankind is really corrupted and not improving whilst following this religion full of ritualistic rules and ‘ things you have to do’ to get to heaven… We cannot comprehend what it will be like, but there is enough really and truly interesting stuff to do there that we will never be bored. 1 decade ago. 2. No! We were created with restrictions. He wants to know us and he wants us to make it into heaven. To be honest i will be happy if i get the same things we have in this life, except the bad things like illness and poverty etc. The multitudes of redeemed will come to the New Jerusalem bringing to God their glory and honor of Him. Many people in the world would fall into this category. Why won't we be bored in Heaven? I enjoyed this book enough to purchase 10 more to give to others! One of the losses of sin is our sense of wonder. here is my islamic question, will we get the woman in heaven whom we loved too much in world but gets married to another woman in world. r/islam is the place to discuss any topics related to Islam & Muslims. Like rivers of milk and honey, and sweetness, etc. Reply. Maybe time doesn't even exist in heaven! "I shall fully know even as I also am fully known" (1 Corinthians 13:12). I can do all sorts of geometric, logical and technical gymnastics but the point is: the possibilities are endless. 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