There are several reasons why your dog might be putting his paw on you. My elderly Staffordshire Terrier, a brindle, lies next to me with his head on my knee and both paws near my heart. Keep the hand closed and repeat the 'shake' command. She does seem to respond to a happy voice better than an angry one so I’ve been reprimanding her in a comical way. Dogs that paw at you or hold a paw on you with an attentive gaze, pricked ears, and wagging or upheld tail are looking or engagement or play. I've got to tell you, I love humans, but sometimes they can be really confusing! Both Paws on You Your email address will not be published. We’ve bred them to be dependent on us for everything – including fun and social interaction – so they aren’t shy about letting us know they’re feeling neglected. How do I stop my dog from putting his paw on me? Why Does My Dog Put His Paws on Me? Our dogs do a lot of things to communicate with us, but we often have a hard time understanding what they are trying to say. I feel like it’s the ultimate connection between dog and human, and I treasure these times. In this case, I think she just wants you to keep on petting her. Be certain to give your dog a good long play session, walk, or a trip to the dog park after being patient for several hours. Teaching your dog not to put his paws on you can be accomplished by helping his to understand two points: The fact is, you can’t always give your dog the attention he wants when he wants it, and nobody wants to feel pestered by their dog. Studies have shown “feel good” hormones such as oxytocin are released by both human and dog during a petting session. Understanding some of your dog’s other body signals can help you identify why he is pawing at you. Your dog wants some attention so he paws at your arm. I have heard that this is he way of showing that he "owns" me or has power over me. Your dog is telling you, “I need some consoling and reassuring,” or “I’m sorry for what I did. Let me know in the comments! While we do our best to provide accurate information to help readers improve their relationship with their dogs, the information on this website is not meant as a substitute for veterinary advice. If he's standing and putting his paws on your shoulders, then he's making a subtle move for dominance by making himself "taller" than you. Why does my dog always try to put his paw on top of me? He may attempt to paw the back of someone who is bending over, or he may try to stand up and place his paws on her shoulder. When a dog puts his paws on another dog’s back, he’s saying “I’m top dog around here.” If he tries the same thing with a member of the family, he deserves a time-out. If your dog can’t seem to get comfortable, even when you give him affection, he may be experiencing pain. Why does my dog keep putting his paw on me? Wow, this described my dog to a tee! Generally, a dog putting their paw on you is a way for them to ask for an outcome they want which means they are in control and perhaps that isn’t desirable behaviour. A dog showing these signs may be anxious or in pain. I don't know if this is true. Dogs use their paws to communicate. The “anxious” description (pricked ears, tight mouth, low tail and panting) happens a lot too. Along with barking at you, pawing at you is among the most common ways your dog might try to communicate with you. If your dog is raising his paw as he would to shake hands, then it is a show of affection and a request for continued attention. By putting his paw on you whilst you are stroking him, he is further extending contact and reciprocating affection back. Ask your dog to sit when you notice him about to paw at you, then give his affection or toss a toy for her. Unfortunately our idea of how wolves behave is based on studies of wolves in captivity, none of who were related – so some pretty big fights broke out! To find out what your dog is trying to say, first identify the specific situation and the exact behavior that your dog is displaying. Please forgive me.” Tips to stop dog pawing Most of the time, he simply wants attention. is also a member of various other affiliate programs. Your dog may use his paw to ask you to start petting, keep petting, or never stop petting. “Just as … Required fields are marked *. Answer (1 of 6): Some people believe that a dog putting his paws on you is a dominance related thing and should be stopped to avoid obedience problems. After all, humans and dogs have evolved together for a very long time, and since humans are so hand-centric, it is no surprise that dogs have learned to use their paws to communicate with us. You can stop your pet from continuously pawing by enrolling the dog in an obedience class. Chances are, you'll understand intuitively that your dog wants you to keep doing exactly what you're doing. Read more about our Affiliate Disclosure. Why does my dog want me to hold his paw? why does my dog keep putting his paw on me? Some dogs hold your arm or hand while you are petting them, with one or both paws. If your dog paws at you and is uninterested in food or play, and especially if he is panting or drooling or is carrying his tail low, you can feel relatively confident that your dog is expressing anxiety. Next time your dog puts his paw on you, notice their expression and body language – does he look like he’s trying to put you in your place? Giving your dog affection when he needs it helps he learn to trust you and solidifies your bond. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to If he paws at you, ignore his until he sits. The notion that dogs are trying to dominate us and be pack leader is quite outdated. As responsible dog owners we should ensure their needs are met. Start by teaching your dog a new way to get attention. Offering a paw, like putting a paw up to shake, is actually a submissive gesture. “By putting his paw on you whilst you are stroking him, he is further extending contact and reciprocating affection back,” writes Rebecca Forrest, an assistance dog trainer, for The Dog Clinic. The pack spent a long day protecting the territory and looking for food. If this behavior is recurrent or goes on for long, you should have your dog checked by your vet to rule out medical causes. Pawing at you could also mean that your dog is trying to tell you that he is anxious or that something isn’t right. Dogs Paw Because it Works. She will put it on my arm and then sit up on her hind legs or put her paw on my lap and then sit up on her hind legs. If your dog leans happily into your hand when you pet her, you will know that most likely he was looking for affection. These dogs often nudge your hand with a paw or nose if they can as well. However sweet it can seem, there are times when we’d rather not have a paw on us – particularly if it’s dirty, we are wearing delicate fabrics or trying to concentrate on something else. While you might brush it off, this act is actually your pup's way of trying to communicate with you. Even though I’m pretending I’m upset she somehow knows the difference. It always amazes owners how dogs seem to be able to tell the time! If the paw is accompanied by snarling, growling, or mounting, the behavior is likely aggressive. If you see a toy lying near your feet or if your dog actually drops a toy on you in addition to laying a paw on you, his intentions become even clearer. The signs can be difficult to tell apart. In this case you should put your hands on your dog’s paw … participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. When your dog sits for attention, tell him “not now” and ignore his until he walks away, then give him attention. No matter how many times during one pet that I try to take her paw off of me she keeps putting it back up. In her free time, she loves taking long walks with her cavapoo and husband. Pawing tends to indicate a desire for something, be it playtime sessions outside of the house or some of the delicious treats which you are keeping. Pawing can cause severe skin injuries, especially to those most vulnerable, like young children and the elderly, and … Wait for pawing and reward Your dog may nose at the closed hand. “I want food!”. Once your dog is sitting for attention instead of pawing, you can move onto the next training stage: wait for attention. Now, they’re back and ready to curl up for the night. The latter two are more likely when your dog rests his paw on you without moving it. They might have a rock between their pads or a thorn/splinter caught in their paw. Just give their paw a quick inspection to make sure nothing is wrong. Your dog may be pawing you because he’s trying to tell you that his dish needs refiling. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to,,, and any other website that may be affiliated with Amazon Service LLC Associates Program. Hi, my 10 month old lab Piper wants to put her paw on me when she sits facing me and I pet her. Most likely this behaviour has also been reinforced in the past – maybe intentionally (responding by playing with the dog) and maybe unintentionally (giving eye contact or laughing). A dog will put his paw on you as a way of communicating his thoughts and emotions. Your email address will not be published. If dinner time is near or you are eating, your dog could paw at you to draw your attention to the fact that he is hungry and would like some of what you have. Maybe you haven’t noticed that you’ve been letting your pooch dictate when it’s time for him to eat. “Touching you with a paw is one way dogs can communicate love,” according to Texas-based veterinarian Sara Ochoa, DVM, who consults for DogLab. Such dogs are also likely to bark, spin in circles, or play bow to make their intentions even clearer. If you find that your dog has associated pawing with mealtime, make sure that he’s not overdoing it. According to Canidae, there are many reasons your dog might decide to use his paws and paw at your face. Dogs that have learned to give their paw as a command may be especially likely to try this technique to get your attention, but any dog might try laying a paw on you to communicate with you. Best Dog Supplies Reviews and Recommendations, "This post may contain affiliate links which means we receive a small commission at no cost to you when you make a purchase. When your dog paws at your hand, open your hand, take the … A raised paw in dog language can signal your dog is feeling stressed. So make sure you don’t respond to continual pawing if it’s related to food. The Root of the Behavior The paw is just one part of your dog’s body, but it can be used several ways to convey different things. Was there an argument in the household? As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases, read our. When they rested they would instinctively walked in a circle to tamp down the long grass before laying down. If your dog is uncertain about something during a game or exploration, he may paw at you to show him uncertainty. If your dog is putting a paw on your knee or shoulder and staring at you intently, chances are he is looking for either affection or attention, or both. This is their way of asking you to take a look and help with the pain. Imagine you could be a fly on the wall in a wolf den. But if a dogs leg or paw hurts, they might put their paw on you. A dog that is trying to get your attention because he is anxious about something will prick his ears as he focuses on you, but he is likely to also glance around and pace, as well as pawing at you. Pawing and clawing of hands for attention can move beyond a nuisance and become a serious problem, especially as the size of the dog increases. This would be more likely if it does it more at around the same time that you would normally give it exercise and if it stops doing it after getting exercise. Others believe that it is either a sign of love or a request for attention.So why do Dogs Put Their Paws on You?We believe that this is probably very much a question of context. It is a general expression where your dog is showing affection to you by putting his paw on you. If you are busy, you can teach your dog that he can’t always have your attention or affection, and that he must wait for it. Now, when they want that same attention back then they keep putting their paws on your hand. All dog behavior has to be evaluated in the context in which it is offered or displayed. Or do the reasons above seem more realistic? Have you noticed your dog putting his paw on you when you stroke him? Another nonverbal communication by dogs is putting their paw on you. Dogs are silly sometimes. This can also be something they do to strangers visiting your house and if the dog has dirty paws then it … Dogs with thunderstorm anxiety often begin pawing at their owners and expressing anxiety well before the storm arrives. If you are petting your dog, they will often reciprocate as a sign of affection. does not provide professional veterinary advice. I’ve got to do some video watching on ways to get her to stop barking. Why do dogs walk around in circles before they lay down. I don’t allow it incase it’s a dominant posture by him. Very helpful information, thanks for it.Looking forward to your coming blogs. Continue extending the time that your dog has to wait for your attention until he is going several hours without bothering you. That's one reason so many people train it. Hi, I'm DOG. This is done with people, as well as other dogs, and even other animals. As dogs evolved from wolves, it is assumed that all behaviour and communication will be the same. Dogs thrive on human companionship. If your dog is putting a paw on your knee or shoulder and staring at you intently, chances are he is looking for either affection or attention, or both. If you're busy reading a book and your dog is quietly sitting next to you, he might paw at your leg or your face to remind you that he's there and would like you to pay attention to him. An anxious dog is more likely to paw at you than just lay a paw on you, but some dogs trying to show self control may contain themselves and just lay a paw on you between pacing. The answer will most likely be linked to when he is doing it – it is most likely he is trying to tell you something. Or while you’re sitting on the sofa? Pawing at you is a more vigorous way of communicating than just laying a paw on you, and is more likely to indicate that your dog wants more from you than just affection. The dog might want to play. It’s cold outside. Remember to give your dog the attention he craves, however, or he may just turn that energy on your house. This goes back to the time when dogs were less domesticated and roamed around outdoors. A dog may place his paw or head on you, hold your hand or arm with his paws, or paw actively at you.