Hakafot are when the congregation parades around the synagogue with the Torah scroll while singing and dancing, and the act is specific to Simchat Torah.Also, children carry around banners and the Israeli flag and ride on the … Yeah. Thanks to social media and electronic devices you can check in on Foursquare and read the Mishkan T'filah prayer book on a handheld device at the same time. During this time, rabbis ceremoniously remove the Torah scrolls from their ark, carry them through the congregation, and read specific passages to close out the old cycle and welcome the new. Simchat Torah, Simchat also spelled Simhat, Simhath, Simchas, Simchath, or Simchat Hebrew Simḥat Torah, (“Rejoicing of the Torah”), Jewish religious observance held on the last day of Sukkot (“Festival of Booths”), when the yearly cycle of Torah reading is completed and the next cycle is begun. On Simchat Torah that cycle is finished when the last verses of Deuteronomy are read. Simchat Torah is based on the “hakhel gathering” (להֵקְהַ ) commanded by God in the Torah: "At the end of every seven years, at the set time in the year of release, at the Feast of Sukkot (תוֹכּסֻּ הַ גחַבְּ ), when all Israel Do a search for dates if you need them! In Israel, Sukkot runs from the 15th through the 21st, and then Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah are the 22nd. On the day of Simchat Torah, the final passages in the Torah are read, and next year’s cycle of reading begins immediately after. I’m sorry it’s confusing. • Simchat Torah - This holiday marks the completion of the Torah reading cycle for the year. It is a joyous holiday that celebrates the Jewish love of Torah and study. As Wikipedia explains, this holiday celebrates the completion of another year of reading through the Torah.A Torah-reading schedule was instituted in the days of Ezra, after the return from the Babylonian captivity. As Wikipedia explains, this holiday celebrates the completion of another year of reading through the Torah.A Torah-reading schedule was instituted in the days of Ezra, after the return from the Babylonian captivity. I have been writing this blog - which then turned into a newsletter, which then turned into a podcast - for four years now. The first few verses of Genesis are read immediately afterward, thereby starting the cycle again. Perhaps the most exciting feature of the day is the seven hakafot, which are held both during the evening and morning services. This coming week, our family will be joining in on the traditional Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah, which means “Rejoicing in the Torah.”. Take a cue from tradition and reread some of your favorite books together—you’ll be starting a new tradition and … Simchat Torah is celebrated by taking all the Torah scrolls out of the ark in synagogue and spending the … What is Simchat Torah? This coming week, our family will be joining in on the traditional Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah, which means “Rejoicing in the Torah.”. THE LAST LETTER - Simchat Torah (Parshot V'zot HaBeracha & Bereshit) My Dear Parsha Nuts, As we draw to the end of another year of reading the Torah, I, too, am beginning to think about completing a cycle of Torah. Sukkot On Simchat Torah, Jewish communities celebrate the gift of the Torah and its role in religious life with joyful acknowledgement and meaningful rituals. Simchat Torah (Rejoicing with the Torah) marks the end of the annual cycle of weekly Torah readings and the beginning of the new cycle. In the rest of the world, Sukkot runs from the 15th through the 22nd, overlapping with Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah is a separate holiday on the 23rd. Yet for all the modern inventions, the Torah remains unaffected. How is Simchat Torah celebrated? Torah scrolls are removed from the ark and carried through the synagogue …