1 Through all this, the VueJS debugger reported that the data model was updating properly. As soon as the user submits the form, the value will be used for the API endpoint communication. vuejs set a radio button checked if statement is true (2) I would like to point out a few options when dealing with radios and vue.js. Change the radio component template to this (don't need to pass a value or bind a v-model): See the Pen Simple Radio Button Styling … Vue.js - The Progressive JavaScript Framework. Simple Radio Button Styling. Example 1: The following program displays the value of selected radio button when user clicks on Submit button. The result is a node list which we iterate through using a for loop. Learn how to implement two-way binding in Vue.js with v-model. Quickly integrate pretty checkbox components with Vue.js. Rest assured - since all Vue handler functions and expressions are strictly bound to the ViewModel that’s handling the current view, it won’t cause any maintenance difficulty. Media Slider Maps Images Movie Music Carousel Echarts Video Player Player. The use of the v-show directive is almost identical to that of v-if.The only differences are that v-show does not support the