The goldfish are originally from Asia and eastern Europe, but they have been bred in captivity for many hours. The angelfish appreciates warm temperatures in the range of 75-82 °F with a PH of 6.8-7. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Will the Danios eat the Tetras when I put them in the tank. share. Ensure that the bottom of your tank is not too crowded as these plecos need a lot of space to forage in the substrate. Danios are always on the go and should be kept with other active fish. Cosmic Blue; Electric Green ; Galactic Purple; Moonrise Pink; Starfire Red; Sunburst Orange; Fish Type. Danios and Tetras Compatibility. What larger fish might I be able to add in with the tets and danios? They are especially prone to Ich, which manifests as white spots on the body. Her advice is excellent about 6+ of either danios or tetras, depending on the size of your tank. The Kuhli loaches lack head scales and they are incredibly prone to diseases. An aquarium of 45 litres would allow a shoal of five or more to be housed. Fish Compatible with Zebra Danios. If you click on some of our links in this post, we may earn a commission. They appreciate warmer temperatures in the range of 75-84 °F and a PH of 6.2-7.0. ORIGINAL SURREAL COLLAGE ART fish tropical koi carp guppy tetras plates molly . Neon Tetra. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You can include peat moss in your tank to mimic the leaf litter found in their wild habitats. Almost all Tetras and Danios will immediately accept dry foods and small frozen foods like brine shrimp and bloodworms. Hence, we can say that neon and cardinal tetra can be great tank mates for each other. Of course the compatibility chart does not specify male or female Betta, so I'm asking you guys-Would I be causing a problem if I introduced a single male Betta in this habitat? Kuhli loaches like well-oxygenated water and the aquarium’s water should be circulated 10-15 times per hour. Translating that to your situation, I'd recommend 12 pygmy cories (if 6 panda cories) and double the number of ember tetras to zebra danios - but only if the Community Creator / Fish Profiles section of this website suggests that your tank dimensions and capacity would accommodate this safely. Color. Order of placement: Cycling: Guppies and Platies. They spend most of the time in the middle and top levels of the tank, and they like heavily planted plants. When choosing tankmates for the zebra danio, avoid long-finned species like the Sailfin mollies since they are known to nip on fins. A school of Giant Danios is quite suitable for many cichlid tanks. Established for 6 months: Neon Tetras. One of the more common ones is the Bandit Corys, which are recognized for the black mask over their eyes. Pearl Danio. The goldfish is a popular aquatic pet, although it sometimes receives the wrong care. I'm sorry about late upload! Tetras like red-eye, serpae, neon, and blood fins are ideal choices for beginner and regular hobbyists. Tetras and Danios are schooling fishes and do best in schools in aquaria. The Kuhli loach is native to Southern Asia, where it inhabits the sandy regions of rivers and seems to prefer shaded areas. Their shimmering colors are best seen in a shoal, and you can keep as many as you can depending on the size of your setup. 7 comments. If you have any questions feel free to contact me or leave a comment below. Red Eye Monk Tetra. The three-spotted gourami can grow to six inches, meaning that you will need a large tank to house the adults. Rummynose Tetra Project Piaba. The Zebra Danio is a popular freshwater fish among aquarists. And figured I would stock up with a couple of different schools of tetras and danios. Regular price $0.99 Pristella X-Ray Tetra. Like most other tetras, they are hardy and easy to maintain. The fry are very small and they will get eaten by adult fish, unless they have where to hide. Neon tetras school in open areas, but they often retreat to hiding spaces when threatened. £22.00. Avoid keeping them with large aggressive fish which could make an easy meal out of these small species. Its yellow body is crossed by 12-17 vertical dark vertical bars, and it has a pink iris. Mollies will breed easily, and the females give birth to 30-60 live fry at once. All corys should be kept in schools of five or more. Neon Tetra. Read more…. get adult neons and everything should be fine. Zebra Danio Tank Mates in a 10-Gallon Aquarium, Important Factors to Consider When Choosing Fish For Your Aquarium. I have a 60litre fish tank which I set up 18 days ago, I let the tank run for 8 days then got 3 zebra Danios and 3 leopard Danios and have had them in for a further 8 days, today I have bought my Neon Tetras which I have 5 of and look a lot smaller than my Danios. Discover (and save!) 1:05. Neon Tetra. The Kuhli loach will reach around three inches in the aquarium. This is a nocturnal species, and they need lots of hiding spaces to spend their day. So, don’t keep tiger barbs and zebra danios together. Help. ORIGINAL COLLAGE live tropical cat fish koi guppy tetra angel barbs danios loach. As such, zebra danios are compatible with most species of tropical fish, particularly those described as "community fish." Hi I have got 5 zebra Danios 6 black phantom tetras 1 crown tail fighter 1 Plec and 3 black moor gold fish in a 300ltr tank with a 900ltr an hour filter system. The angelfish originates from South America, where it inhabits various river systems including the Amazon river basin. This was supposed to be made and uploaded this morning but I actually slept in all morning then I was busy all day. You can, therefore, get them in many colors and shapes in most pet shops. If you have any more questions, please call 1 … Opt for a fine and soft substrate since this fish is an active digger. P&P: + £9.90 P&P 0 bids . Anyway, I’m assuming they are either Glo barbs, Glo danios or Glo tetras in which case – yes, you should definitely add a couple more. Ideally, a hobbyist should provide these fishes with an aquarium that is well planted along the back and sides with plenty of free swimming room in the center. Guppies are quite active in the aquarium, especially when they are kept in groups. Cycled my 20g tank successfully, went to LFS and we told them we wanted colorful fish like guppies. Because zebra danios are very active and fast, they can scare and stress discus fish. The cory catfish is a bit forgiving when it comes to water conditions, which is why it is an excellent beginner pet. The temperatures should be kept between 73-86 °F with the PH at 5.5-6.5. These tetras inhabit shaded areas in the wild, and you should replicate this habitat with plenty of plant cover in your tank. When they form a school they shouldn’t pay attention to other tank mates. Tetras, Rasboras and Danios . It sports a flat body featuring bony plates, and it appears fatter when compared to other plecos. Most of the fish on this list appreciate lots of open swimming areas and warm temperatures. Ideal foods for them would be sinking flakes and pellets since they are bottom feeders. They appreciate a temperature range of 68-75 °F and a PH or 6-7. Neon tetras will thrive in similar conditions as those of the zebra danios. Help/Advice. Archived. Help/Advice. Sort by. 11 Aquarium Fish That Like a Strong Current, and Fast-Moving Water? Zebra danios are very hardy fish, and they are especially appropriate for beginners. The rummy nose tetra brings unique characteristics to any aquarium. Aquatic invertebrates can also … Keep the temperatures between 73-82 °F. I have both danios and tetras. Tetras/ Barbs/ Danios/Rasbora. I will also have some cories, ghost shrimp and some ottos (or a plec). Even though zebrafish are very fast swimming fish, still African cichlids will chase them and eventually will hurt or even eat them. Close. Pregnant Zebra Danio – Is Your Fish Going to Lay Eggs? P&P: + £9.90 P&P 0 bids . Tank size for 6 tetras and 5 danios? You should keep in mind that angelfish can grow to six inches when buying juveniles. Regular price $1.25 Celestial Pearl Danio. My Dorm Fishtank - (Time Lapse) - Neon Tetras, Red Coral Platys, Zebra Danios - Duration: 1:05. I see that both danios and tetras show up as COMPATIBLE with Bettas. You can also use Amazonian plants to mimic their wild habitats. Neon tetras are shy and peaceful, but they are active in large groups. Just got my first 6 fish today. All Rights Reserved. Neon tetras are among the tetras that can be kept with the zebra danio. Guppies are hugely popular among aquarists, and they are over 300 kinds to choose from. The vibrant colors and peaceful nature make this fish extremely popular.Scientifically known as Danio margaritatus, this fish is a member of the Cyprinidae family. Regular price $6.99 — Sold Out. However, they won't school together. Regular price $1.25 — Sold Out. So, tiger barbs will easily bite the long fins of zebra danios, causing them disease and eventually death. There are plenty of molly varieties to choose from, and they average at 4.5 inches in size. When choosing tankmates for the zebra danio, avoid long-finned species like the Sailfin mollies since they are known to nip on fins. In a 20 gallon tank I would put 3 guppies (1 male and 2 female), 3 platies (1 male and 2 female), 6 neon tetras and 6 zebra danios and maybe 4 corydoras catfish. They create hierarchies in their schools, but their aggression will rarely be directed to external parties. Several tetras such as cardinals, emperors, and penguin can thrive best in aquariums with soft, acidic water. your own Pins on Pinterest Larger tetras are usually peaceful and enjoy having other tetras around. A dark substrate will contrast beautifully with the vibrant colors of the recommended fish. I have limited space but want to give them the best I possibly can. Tank size for 6 tetras and 5 danios? You can provide floating plants as well as tall plants like Cryptocoryne wendtii and Brazilian pennywort. Keep a secure lid on the aquarium to prevent them from jumping out. Black Neon Tetra. Keep the temperature between 75-82 °F with a pH range of 6-7.2. Danios and rasboras originate from Asia, while many of the tetras are found in the Amazon basin in South America and Africa. Posted by 1 year ago. There is no compatibility problem. Regular price $4.00 — Sold Out. We are reader supported. The Bristlenose pleco makes a great companion for the zebra danio. Your email address will not be published. Guppies are South American natives, although they have been widely bred in captivity. Here is a list of fish you should avoid keeping with zebrafish: Now, you may ask – are discus fish aggressive? Betta compatibility with Danios and Glofish . These fish will not only live together but if the cardinal tetras are small, then they will form school with neon tetras. They are indigenous to South America, where they have been recorded in lakes and streams. There are multiple kinds of corys, each with their own appeal. Hey, I'm Fabian, chief editor at Aquarium Nexus. It also comes in attractive color variations as a result of selective breeding. There are plenty of available tankmates that you can get for your zebra danios. They are popular with aquarists because of their small size and low maintenance. Compatibility: Community Safe. Tetras; Long Fin Tetras; Danios; Barbs; Longfin Barbs; Sharks; Tetras. The two species will create a peaceful and colorful tank. They are omnivorous, so you should also provide meat treats and occasional vegetables. It is hard to differentiate the males and females with the naked eye but some aquarists suggest that the females have a fuller body. They are also fin nippers. An ideal community can include multiple species of tetras, rasboras, danios, other fish of similar size and temperament. And put a lot of plants in the tank. The peaceful nature of mollies makes them excellent tank mates for zebra danios. Lastly, what gouramies could I put in with tets and danios? Sort by. Zebra Danios. Calm and colorful, GloFish Tetras make a great starter fish for beginners. Your email address will not be published. Colorful fish compatible with Serpae Tetra and Zebra Danio. Oscar fish are also pretty aggressive and the also grow to a decent size – 14-15 inches in length. The Zebra ... All of these would make suitable tank mates, as would Ember Tetra, Bengal Turquoise Danio, Celestial Pearl Danio and Burma Danio. Required fields are marked *, Fish keeping and aquariums has been my hobby for almost 20 years. The Bristlenose pleco has a peaceful temperament and will not threaten your zebra danio. Tiger bars are also considered aggressive fish. After Cycling: Zebra Danios . They need tall tanks since their fins can extend up to eight inches. These peaceful community fish form schools and prefer to live in groups of 5 to 7 fish. Here is my most recent pic of the tank in question. 100% Upvoted . Neon tetra and Cardinal tetra is probably the best tetra combination ever. Dec 3, 2014 - Tetras, Danios & Rasboras article wrtten by the pet experts at That Fish Place - That Pet Place and INTO THE WILD. So i recently put in my Betta from a single tank into a community tank (11g/45L) and i have 6 Glofish (big ones too) and 4 Danio Derios (relatively small) as well as 1 guppy. You can expect vivid and bright colorations in your aquarium regardless of which one you select. They come in various colors in most pet stores. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, The Celestial Pearl Danio is a gorgeous freshwater fish mainly found in vegetated ponds in…, The zebrafish is an excellent beginner fish because of its hardiness. Before purchase ensure that: You have a suitable aquarium. ORIGINAL COLLAGE live tropical cat fish koi guppy tetra angel barbs danios loach . The fish typically has a solid color that can include olive, grey, or brown with yellow or white spots. Tetras are peaceful and colorful fish. (tetras). The fish has a wide distribution in the floodplains and rivers of the Amazon river system. The Celestial Pearl Danio, also commonly called the Galaxy Rasbora, shook up the aquarium world when they were discovered in 2006. If adding to existing set-up ensure these fish are compatible. Don't Buy A Platy Fish Unless You … Mollies are easy to care for in the aquarium. Oct 4, 2012 - This Pin was discovered by Curious Cat. Are they all compatible with eachother? Betta compatibility with Danios and Glofish. « What is the Best Substrate for Pleco Fish. Close. For a 10-gallon tank, three neon tetras and three cardinal tetras are a perfect combination. The main challenge with keeping Kuhli loaches comes in their susceptibility to diseases. Compatibility: Very social and community species: Table of Contents show Zebra Danio Overview. Giant Danios can reach four inches when they are adults and should be kept only with larger species. Examples of fish that do well with zebra danios, as listed by Aquarium Fish, are any of the larger livebearers, such as swordtails, mollies, platies and any of the larger tetra species. Since then, it also seems that the LFS (Maidenhead Aquatics) recommends that the micro-sized … Tetras are calm fish and can get thrive with the same, sized fishes. The Bristlenose pleco can tolerate water temperatures between 60 and 80 °F and a PH range of 5.5-7.6. If you want a school of both, you would need at least a 20 gallon tank. Are neon tetras compatible with a pearl gourami, cherry barbs, zebra danios, black Kuhli loaches and cory cats? The Corydoras catfish are coveted for their calm and mellow nature, and they will make great tank mates for your zebra danios. Checklist… Equipment: Suitable aquarium Gravel cleaner Water test kit Tap water conditioner Gravel Filter Heater and Thermometer Food. Please always ask a veterinarian for help regarding your pets. I really enjoy the aquarium hobby and love sharing my experience with others. As tropical_tiffini said, they will get along great. P&P: + £10.00 P&P 0 bids . You can only see two dots, and the eye is regarded as the third spot. Danios Behavior/Compatibility. Hi! What size tank would you guys recommend for this amount of fish? In fact, it’s more than a hobby, because I’ve spent countless hours doing research on different fish species. They also do well with danios, corydoras, discus fish, most livebearers and some peaceful dwarf cichlids, such as apistogrammas. The fins are all transparent, except for the caudal fin. The recommended temperature and PH ranges for the corys are 70-80 °F and 6.0-8.0. This page may contain affiliate links, which will earn us a commission. However, the vast majority of aquarium specimens are captive bred at farms throughout the world. Danios are very HYPER and I worry that their activity can drive the Betta nuts. Regular price $1.49 — Sold Out. Danios are best kept in schools of at least 6 or more. They swim in all areas in the tank, and they have a labyrinth organ to absorb oxygen from the air. Also known…. Keep at least six of them together to make them comfortable. Its semi-transparent body has a greenish gradient under normal conditions. The Corydoras are incredible scavengers and will clean up your tank. Bronze Corys will spice up your tank with their black, albino, green, and bronze color morphs. They are very social species, in terms of getting along with other peaceful fish well and they are also schooling fish. Other species that would make good tankmates are Rosy Barbs, Rummy Nose Tetra, Bronze Cory and even Dojo loach. Zebra Danios. Some tank mates to consider, include: 1. It's possible that the young neons go into the danios territory and get killed because of that! The zebrafish is a tropical fish and it will appreciate a temperature range of 64-77 °F, while the pH should be kept between 6.0 to 8.0. Some tank mates to consider, include: Neon tetras are among the tetras that can be kept with the zebra danio. The small size and simple husbandry requirements of these groups make them one of the most popular beginner fish to community tanks. Water parameters are as advised in this leaflet. It has a bright red spot on its head that gets significantly pale when it is stressed. 03 of 06. A school would mean 5 or more Glofish in your case. It is easily recognizable due to its eel-body shape and the four barbels around the mouth. If you keep your goldfish in a community tank, ensure that each of them gets 6 to 8 gallons of water for themselves. The PH and temperature should be kept at 6.7-8.5 and 72-78 °F, respectively. Keep at least four mollies together as they like their own company. You can keep a small school in an 80-gallon tank or larger. You will need to feed the tetras several times and a day and keep them on an omnivorous diet. £22.00. So, you should avoid keeping zebra danios with aggressive fish. It is a plant reliant fish that adds a pop of color and lively activity to any tank.Typically, the Celestial Pearl Danio lifespan is 3-5 years in s… The ideal temperature range should be between 65-74 °F. The three-spotted gourami is nearly identical to the blue gourami, except that the latter has a whitish-blue coat. 2. does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. Oscars are carnivorous and will eat smaller fish. The two species will create a peaceful and colorful tank. Good tankmates include other tetras, livebearers, Plecostomus and other non-aggressive species. Use a soft substrate since the fish will sink into it when they feel threatened. Help. Rummy nose tetras will mostly average at 2.5 inches in the aquarium. £22.00. In addition to being social and active, the zebrafish is incredibly hardy, and it has adapted to various aquatic conditions. They will easily catch and eat zebra danios, so don’t keep them in the same tank. Neon tetras are staples in the aquarium industry, mainly because they are quite easy to breed and care for. Lane Baguss 1,600 views. Selective breeding has made the fish tolerable to a range of water conditions, but it is still best to maintain pristine water conditions. The males can, however, stress the females by chasing them around and trying to impress them with their colors. They grow up to about 2 inches in size, which makes them appropriate for smaller, 10-gallon tanks. These small species do not generally require large tanks. save hide report. Celestial Pearl Danio – Habitat, Care, Feeding, Tank Size, Breeding, Zebrafish (Zebra Danio) Water Temperature. Angelfish will be a sparkling addition to your aquarium, and they will easily get along with zebra danios. Longfin Leopard Danio. African cichlids on the other hand are aggressive and territorial. Posted by 2 hours ago. It is also ideal to get a larger tank since some species like angelfish can get quite big. Cories. This bony armor is used as a defense against aggressive fish. They belong to the…, Zebra Danios are cool animals that you can easily rear in your aquarium. 1. Schooling fish should be kept in groups of 6 or more in order to maintain best coloration and behavior. The Kuhli Loach is an active scavenger in the daytime, and they will typically explore the whole tank at night. Mind that by adding 3 more your tank will become a little overstocked, so do pay attention to your weekly water changes. Compatibility. Due to their size, they are best kept in medium to large tanks. No, discus are not aggressive, in fact are very shy. Zebrafish are very delicate and don’t do well in aquariums with aggressive tank mates. Congo Tetra. Regular price $1.25 Gold Zebra Danio Sale!!! Keep about seven of them to get the best of their coloring and behavior. The goldfish should not be kept in small bowls or containers, as they require a lot of space as much as any other fish species. My husband wants a small school of the My husband wants a small school of the Neon tetra compatibility - Flippers 'n' Fins The three-spotted gourami is named for the vertical black dots in the middle of their body. The dumb rep said that most of the fish can go together, and they would get some new colored guppies in a week or 2, so in the meantime sold us 3 zebra danio and 3 serpae tetras. I wouldn’t recommend keeping zebra danios with discus, because discus they are too shy. Tetras/ Barbs/ Danios/Rasbora. I put in with the PH at 5.5-6.5 adult fish, and they easily... Not meant to be housed test kit Tap water conditioner Gravel Filter Heater and Thermometer Food their colors want school... Lack head scales and they average at 4.5 inches in the tank blood fins are all transparent, that! 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